About Cave Conservation Australia
Who are our people
What we do
advocate for protection of the caves and karst of Australia
explore and map Australia's caves and karst environments
research and document
advise on management and protection of caves and karst on both public and private land
educate by providing information to our members, land managers and the Australian people about caves and karst conservation matters
work in partnership with first Nations peoples, scientists, academics, speleologists and members of the community in furthering these aims.
The Conservation Commission of the Australian Speleological Federation Inc runs the Cave Conservation Australia website. The Commission itself draws on volunteer cavers, cave divers, and individuals who advocate for better management and protection of caves and karst on both public and private land.
The ASF's Cave Conservation Commission is funded by ASF members. The ASF is an independent, volunteer based, non-aligned organisation.
The Karst Conservation Fund is a public fund maintained by the Australian Speleological Federation Inc (ABN 15 169 919 964) to support its environmental objectives
Sellicks Hill Quarry Cave (5A20) is in Cambrian dolomite and limestone, older than that of the Naracoorte caves which have just been nominated for World Heritage Listing. The cave contains some very rare (for Australia) aragonite crystal speleothems and wind blown silt which may contain significant fossil material to complement that found in Naracoorte. The extent of the speleothems in the cave and the close proximity of the cave to the city of Adelaide (approximately 40km) means that the cave could be suitably developed as a tourist destination.
In the Adelaide Hills karst region there are 16 known caves, four of which are sea caves and two pseudokarst. Of the remaining ten caves the longest cave in the region at I km, is Sellicks Hill Quarry Cave. The second longest, Reynella Quarry cave, is 120 metres long and it has been extensively damaged by mining.
Past Projects
Sellicks Hill Quarry cave
More past projects will be posted here soon.
ASF Library and Museum
A huge store of imagery, maps and research information on Australian Caves

One of the exhibits in our Museum
The Diprotodon Hillii was a magnesium-powder fueled flash used for photographing the huge chambers of caves in the Nullarbor and Tasmania.
Lloyd Robinson of ISS refined the design and used it in Tasmania. The unit consists of a "Brasso" tin with plastic tubing attached on brass fittings, and a curved metal mantle at one end. A large inflated balloon was attached to the other end to provide the push for the magnesium powder.

Our library is a collection of books, journals, folios, films and archival material relating to speleology and caving. This material is not commonly found in Australia's national or state libraries. Contact the ASF library for help in locating material and for donating material to us: asf.caves.library@gmail.com
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once every few years, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”
Dr Syed Muhammad Zeeshan Hussain Almashhadi
The ASF acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of the land, rivers, and sea on which we live, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country, especially to caves.
email: asf.caves.conservation@gmail.com